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Avoiding amputations – Development of nano-scaffold significantly increases effectiveness of angiogenesis treatment

Published on Apr 19, 2012


The research group of Shinya Fukumoto, lecturer at Osaka City University Graduate School of Medicine, successfully developed a nano-scaffold that can be injected together with cells into muscle tissue. The method contributes greatly to the effectiveness and growth of collateral vessels in peripheral arterial disease treatment, and is expected to be widely applied in other related treatments in the future. The research results have been published on 19 April 2012 in the on-line American scientific journal PLoS ONE.

Publication name: PLoS ONE
Title of article: Enhancement of Cell-Based Therapeutic Angiogenesis using a Novel Type of Injectable Scaffold of Hydroxyapatite-Polymer Nanocomposite Microspheres
URL of article: http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0035199

Press Release
Reference Materials (in Japanese)
