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OCU Community Workshop – Disaster prevention

Published on Dec 14, 2012


OCU Community Workshop – Disaster prevention

One of the major university-wide research projects at Osaka City University (OCU) is the Disaster Reduction Research Project - ‘Protecting Lives through City Planning’.

On 8 December 2012 the project group organized a workshop ‘Community Disaster Prevention’ for local citizens, students of primary- and high schools, public welfare workers and OCU students and staff. The workshop consisted of 3 parts: 1. A disaster prevention-themed walk in the Sumiyoshi neighborhood, 2. An explanation of community disaster prevention, and 3. Experience how to protect your life.

The Disaster Reduction Research Project was set up by OCU in reaction to the Great East Japan Earthquake. OCU teamed up with local citizens and authorities to create an interdisciplinary research group. The aim of the project is not only to improve the quality of buildings and critical infrastructure, but also to identify and strengthen the ability of people and the community to protect lives.

For more information on the OCU Disaster Reduction Project, please see the project website: http://odrp.life.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ (in Japanese)
