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An explosion of infections is coming! Now is our moment!

Published on Apr 01, 2020


30 March, 2020

Tetsuo Arakawa
President, Osaka City University

An explosion of infections is coming! Now is our moment!

We have entered a phase where anyone can get infected. It is time to prevent infections flatten the curve. Even the United States, which boasts the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is out of control, with more than 100,000 people infected. Many cities have been forced to close down. Viruses do not spread by themselves. People spread them. Let's act with the belief that we will not spread COVID19! It's too late to be overwhelmed. We're at a point where carelessness can destroy the earth!

<Infection route and preventive measures>
1. Chance of infection: Most likely.
Precautionary measures:
① Do not touch objects
② Do not touch your face
③ Wash hands frequently and disinfect fingers with alcohol

2. Droplet infection: Infection risk from airborne saliva is low as saliva does not fly more than 2 meters before falling to the ground. You are only at risk if the saliva lands on your person.
Precautionary measures:
① Wear a mask when crowded
② Do not touch the front side of the mask (even when removing it)

3. Aerosol infection: flying particles are smaller than droplets, so they float in the air for a longer period of time (about 3 hours).
Precautionary measures: Other than preventive measures outlined above:
① Frequent ventilation
In addition to all the above precautions:
① Bring tea and water and swallow every 10 minutes washing the virus from the mouth into the stomach.
② Gargle

<Measures to prevent the spread of infection>
Please adhere to the following precautions.
For now, until April 22,
1. Avoid unnecessary outings
① Do not go where people gather in rooms: concerts, karaoke, etc.
②?Do not eat out or talk in close proximity of other people
2. Avoid gatherings and events
3. Do not use public transport

If you're in a situation where you aren't able to adhere to these precautions (which may require an explanation)
1. Enforce hand washing and alcohol disinfection (click here for the correct method)
2. Wear a mask (only in places where people are crowded)
3. Enforce proper coughing etiquette (click here for the correct method)

It may be stressful, but this is only for a limited time. Relieve stress by reading, walking, jogging, cycling and hiking.
