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To All International Students

Published on May 01, 2020


Below are changes resulting from COVID-19 that may affect OCU international students.

1)?Orientation for incoming international students has been canceled (Published on 7 April)

2) Application for tuition exemption and various scholarships (Updated on 1 May)

To alleviate the financial burden COVID-19 may have caused on the household income of students and their families, Osaka City University has extended the deadline for applications for tuition exemption and various scholarships.

Extended deadline: 5:00 pm, Friday 22 May 2020?

Those who wish to apply for tuition exemption and various scholarships, should send an email to the Global Exchange Office by 5:00 pm, Friday 22 May 2020.
Global Exchange Office:?goto.ocu@ado.osaka-cu.ac.jp

Those who cannot receive all the documents because they cannot enter Japan, etc. are asked to complete and send Forms No. 1-No. 5. first. (Form No. 4 is only applicable for the OD first year student.)

Reference:?Financial support for students affected by COVID-19

??Tuition fee exemption for the academic year 2020 for the privately financed international students

?Check List (Type-1)

?2020 Exemption form (Type-2)

?Statement of family situation (Type-3)

?Recommendation :Necessary only for 1st-yr OD Student (Type-4)

?Application for the scholarship via OCU

?2020 Scholarship form (Type-5)?

3) Tuition deadline for the first semester of Academic Year 2020 (Published on 1 May 2020)

To alleviate the financial burden COVID-19 may have caused on the household income of students and their families, Osaka City University has extended the deadline for tuition payment (first half of 2020) and the deadline for scholarships and tuition exemption applications.

Deadline for tuition payment (first semester of AY 2020)

First term tuition
(Payment deadline)

Prior deadlineExtended deadline
May 29, 2020(F)※ August 31, 2020(M)

Since May 31, 2020 (Sunday) is a bank holiday,?for those whose status will change during the first semester (such as completing a course in June, middle of the first semester, etc.), the deadline of payment is 31 May.

? ?If you have any questions, please email us to the attention below.
? ?Global Exchange Office :? goto.ocu@ado.osaka-cu.ac.jp
